One of the most important 1st ray triangles
Taurus and the Great Bear both transmit first ray energy, the Pleiades third, which enables the first ray to be grounded on Earth.
See: Taurus-Pluto-Earth concerning this process as it was occurring around 1950.
Concerning Taurus, AAB states:
The entire secret of divine purpose and planning is hidden in this sign, owing fundamentally to the relation of the Pleiades to the constellation [of Taurus], the Great Bear, and to our solar system. This constitutes one of the most important triangles in our entire cosmic series of relationships and this importance is also enhanced by the fact that the ‘eye of the Bull’ is the eye of revelation. The underlying goal of the evolutionary process—‘the onward rush of the Bull of God,’ as it is esoterically called—reveals steadily and without cessation [first ray qualities of persistence] the stupendous and sublime plan of Deity. (EA 376)
Also see: Gemini-GreatBear-Pleiades and Taurus-Pluto-Earth.
Esoteric Astrology: 376