Esoteric Astrology: terminology
Some terminology in Esoteric Astrology may be unfamiliar, archaic, religious or even misleading at first reading. These explanations that may help.
- Christ Consciousness
- Bailey’s Christian background shows here, but “Christ consciousness” means full soul awareness. The influence of ray two on the development of consciousness involves a developed spiritual awareness, a sensitivity toward world suffering, and a sense of physical, emotional and mental responsibility towards others. Ultimately, it involves acting in harmony with a greater collective sense of purpose that transcends an individual life.
- Cosmic Christ
- The quality in the the three principles of life-quality-appearance—the presence of spirit in matter. Basically the second principle, the Heart of the Sun, Ray 2 in our solar system; of which our own soul is a microcosm. Also referred to in Bailey’s cosmic Christianity as the “Son of God” and described as:
a form brought into being by the relation of spirit [life] and matter [appearance]. This interplay produces that psychological Entity which we call the Christ … [bringing] into functioning activity a quality within all human forms…
(Esoteric Psychology - Volume I, 18) - Creative Hierarchies
- Creative Hierarchies are a deeply esoteric factor that consist (depending on how you view them) of beings or forces that affect the overall development of humanity and the planet, by creating the vehicles through which consciousness is expressed. Each of the 12 signs is connected to the deeper role of a creative hierarchy. They are akin to the “devas” of Theosophy, who create, sustain and build forms in nature and in the subtler realms. For instance, our “etheric” or energy body, the “causal body” or soul as a container for our consciousness, and the form of the planet itself are all held in a state of dynamic equilibrium that adapts and maintains the form as a vehicle for the indwelling conscious lives. Hierarchical rulerships in a personal horoscope only affect us at later stages in evolution, where they have a role related to or stepped down from the more cosmic role of the creative hierarchy connected to the sign.
- Disciple
- A term used in the esoteric (and not specifically Christian) sense, to indicate an individual who has begun the process of conscious development, having opted to separate from the long and gradual process experienced by humanity en-masse. Having undergone the “first initiation” they are generally in the throes of the cycle of intensification that involves the difficult resolution of inner conflict. See Evolutionary Stages below.
- Earth-Venus
- In the theosophical philosophy behind Esoteric Astrology, Earth and Venus are intimately connected, with Venus as Earth’s “higher self” and as the influence behind the original emergence of humanity (see Lords of Flame. The goal is for Earth—partly through the evolution of humanity—is to become a “sacred planet”, at which stage (in this theory) the connection will become esoterically seamless, and Earth as a planet will have transcended the need for a “human personality” because humanity will have developed a globally connected consciousness and function as an integrated whole.
- Evolutionary Stages
- In the Theosophical literature, the stages of inner growth have rather outdated religious terms: Aspirant, Probationer, Disciple, Accepted Disciple, Initiate, Adept, Master. It is hard to change these without losing their specific meaning, or without explaining occult psychology, in which the terms personality, soul, and spirit or monad have distinct meanings. Roughly, aspirants and probationers are respectively preparing for, or have just completed, the journey around the First Initiation, during which material issues, bodily concerns and general personal circumstances are readied for the serious work of the spiritual journey—often a long process into which we dip in and out. Disciples and accepted disciples are self-motivated and consciously evolving by working—around the Second Initiation—through the psychological conflicts and internal emotional issues that lie behind the tension between their personality and inner being or soul, until they are able to work with more focus, at which stage they are deemed “accepted” into the “ashram” of someone further along the way—a “master” of either gender—a process that may be wholly unconscious, but one in which their role in the bigger picture gradually becomes clearer and they are able to contribute more consistently to the general sweep of evolving humanity. For an “initiate”, personal issues after the Third Initiation are in the past and there is a simpler existence, lived from the perspective of a soul that knows its part in the evolution of the whole and, having developed the necessary circumstances and skills, is becoming responsive to the spirit or “monad“. This is regarded as the first cosmic initiation, as the individual can now play a more significant role in the general “return journey” of humanity. Around the Fourth Initiation the consciousness becomes that of an Adept, shifted from the individual soul to the monad or spirit with an intuitive and fully transpersonal focus. A master is generally regarded as as having reached a process where—at the Fifth Initiation—they are actively guiding humanity along their own particular speciality, or requirement of the time. They become integrated with the group known as the Hierarchy (see below)—those guiding humanity and other forms of life along the lines of the greater patterns of cosmic-level evolution during a particular era.
- Hierarchy
- One of the
Three World Centres
with Humanity and Shamballa. The hierarchy is an expression of the second of the three major principles, linked to rays 1, 2 and 3. Unfortunately-named, this is a collective term for those who exist in a state of awareness after transcending the limits of self-oriented human life experience and who now work for the general good of humanity. Despite the impression that these operate as an organised body, in reality it is a naturally collective state of awareness at the mental or “soul” level and, although organised activities may emerge, any “organisation” involved is distinct in nature from the usual concept. The hierarchy in general is related to the love-wisdom principles of the second ray, and the fixed cross of developing consciousness. - Humanity
- One of the
Three World Centres
with the Hierarchy and Shamballa. In general, humanity is seen as the third expression of the three major principles, linked to rays 1, 2 and 3. The evolution of humanity is seen an integral part of the third ray process on this planet, and is related to the mutable cross in its broad role as the process of learning through trial and error. - Fifth Kingdom
- Also “Kingdom of Souls”. This is a state predicted to come about when the entire human race moves from the strictly personal consciousness of the human kingdom into collective soul consciousness. Needless to say this is a long process, the outcome of which is far in the future. However, each person who undergoes this as an individual (via the third initiation) contributes to the eventual collective shift of humanity as a whole.
- Lords of Flame
- These are held to have brought about the advent of humanity by enabling the animal kingdom to give rise to the human, under the guidance of the planetary logoi of both Earth and Venus, although those planetary terms are not to be understood literally. There are various “chains” (or incarnations) in a planetary “scheme”, which develops through several life cycles, just as we do. Following numerical correspondence, these chains were confusingly named in the theosophical literature after the systemic planets, and some only exist on subtler levels of being. So the “Venus chain” of the “Earth scheme” simply points out a sympathy with the Venus scheme experienced during a particular chain or period in Earth’s development when the two schemes resonate via a series of numerical (vibrational) sympathies. This enabled the planetary logos of Venus to connect with that of the Earth in order to bring about the momentous development that gave birth to the 4th or human kingdom. This requires a little knowledge of the inner bodies of occult thinking: the Manasadevas (beings/forces that build form and therefore come under the third great principle) created in certain of the animal kingdom an inner “vehicle”—the causal body positioned between energy/spirit and matter/body—suitable for the incarnation of the individual selves or souls that enabled those members of the animal kingdom to evolve as humans. (See TCF 299, 367-71, 386-7, 703, 708-9)
- New World Order
- This phrase is quite distinct from its unfortunately degraded current use (circa 2020s) to describe the undesirable plans of a controlling elite. Rather, it means a kind of emergent order
based on a spiritual drive and on aspiration, mental freedom, loving understanding and a physical plane rhythm which provides opportunity for full creative expression.
This is a major role of Uranus during the precession of the equinox into Aquarius. (EA 444-5).The new world order must meet the immediate need and not be an attempt to satisfy some distant, idealistic vision.
(EH 190-2) - Planetary Chains
- In the Theosophical occult philosophy, planets are beings that evolve through a series of “incarnations”, making up a “chain” over immense periods of time. These chains are often numbered or (confusingly) named after other planets, and indicate at which stage a planet is in its development.
- Sacred Planet
- Sacred planets affect our own inner evolution and integration, while the effect of non-sacred planets concerns the adjustment of personality to this inner evolution. We could call them developed and developing planets, the former being those seen occultly as “integrated”, having aligned their planetary inner processes (or “soul”) with their material existence; while the latter have yet to build that connection (see planets).
- Shamballa
- One of the
Three World Centres
with the Hierarchy and Humanity. In general, Shamballa is seen as the first or “will” expression of the three major principles that are linked to rays 1, 2 and 3. Being beyond the individual soul and entirely driven by universal purpose, it is the planetary centre that focusses the will aspect on Earth via those working from monadic levels, and is related to the wider meaning of the Cardinal Cross. (see EA 92)