Triangles: Aries Virgo Scorpio


Promotes intensification of the evolutionary process

Involving each astrological cross, these triangles cover the rulerships of Mercury and are grounded on Earth. They represent the three primary qualities. The signs involved form the fourth triangle.

All this activity is intensified by two facts: one is that the Earth is the Hierarchical ruler of Gemini and … Venus is the esoteric ruler. This intensifies all that goes on and leads to the unfoldment upon our planet of the consciousness of universality… (EA 361)

See the rulerships of Mercury for more details.

Horizontal triangle of signs ruled by Mercury. See the triangles below for more details.

1. Aries-Gemini-Mercury: Life
Will aspect
2. Gemini-Scorpio-Mercury: Consciousness
Love/wisdom aspect
3. Gemini-Virgo-Mercury: Form
Intelligence aspect

Esoteric Astrology: 358-360