Major cosmic triangle owing to Shamballa force
A major cosmic triangle at this time owing to influx of Shamballa force. See also Taurus-GreatBear-Pleiades
Covered under Taurus, this triangle is put forward by Alice Bailey as active at the time she was writing. According to her, each century, and each quarter of each century, are marked with an influx of first ray force, and this—written around 1950—must have been intended to explain some of the changes occurring in the world at that time. The relation of the first ray via Taurus and Pluto is expressed on Earth because Taurus:
is an earth sign and hence the working out of the Plan or the fulfilment of desire must be carried out upon the outer plane of living.
There is at this time, owing to the influx of the Shamballa force1, the establishing of a peculiar relation or alignment between the constellation, Taurus (with its own specific alignment with the Pleiades and Great Bear) the planet, Pluto, and our Earth. This produces much of the present world difficulty [first printed 1951] … it constitutes a major cosmic triangle at this time, conditioning much that is now happening.
This Shamballa force:
fans or intensifies the light by the removal of obstructions and proceeds from distant places, pouring through the eye of illumination into those spheres of influence upon the sorrowful planet, the Earth, impelling the Bull upon its onward rush.
… the energy of will […] emanates, via the head centre of the planetary Logos, from the great Bear; it is stepped down in vibration via one of the Pleiades (hence its influence upon matter and hence also its pronounced Taurian effects upon humanity) and so enters the solar system. It is there absorbed by that major planetary centre … Shamballa.
The effect is twofold:
it produces in certain nations, races and individuals, a welling up of the self-will or of the will-to-power which is characteristic of the developed lower nature, the personality aspect of integrated selfhood. [AAB often quoted Hitler as a negative example].
Owing to the world glamour, the true purpose and ideal set before our planetary forces by the all-creating Will becomes distorted by many people. They are not polarised in the divine will but are as yet centred in their personalities and hence only the few appreciate the beauty of the intended group life, group purpose and group fusion. Group living tends to the fulfilment of free will in service and a free subordination of the lower will to the higher purpose in group formation. Through the glamour contacted, however, this group activity and life becomes twisted into the imposed will and the concept of the super-state [veiled references to the Soviet Union and cold war, the phrases:headstrong progress of the glamoured peoplesandthe stiffening of individuals in their separative, wrong idealisms].it produces—though less readily—a stimulation of the will-to-serve the plan as it is grasped by the world aspirants… disciples and initiates. … [it brings] a measure of illumination—an illumination which reveals the underlying synthesis, which indicates the dualism which must finally vanish and which indicates also the secret of right human relations.
Of these two reactions to the triangle in relation of the first ray and Taurus, she goes on to explain what the two reactions produce:
One reaction produces the onward rush of the materialistic systems of life, thought and desire, dashing blindly forward in the force of their own momentum and producing a stage of powerful expression and active movement
the other demonstrates in a far vision of possibility and a steady movement forward in spite of the immediate dangers and difficulties.
Writing at the start of the 1950’s, she applies this back to Taurus:
The Bull, therefore, in expression is dual […] The question is: will the Bull of desire or the Bull of divine illumined expression succeed?
Shamballa is the planetary centre that focusses the will aspect on Earth ↩
Esoteric Astrology: 376-8