Planets: Earth—ray 3 (non-sacred)

Ray 3 triangle

W Ray 3 (non-sacred planet)

Method: The field of human experience

Rulerships: Orthodox: none Esoteric: Sagittarius Hierarchical: Gemini
Dignities: Exaltation: Libra Fall: Aries Detriment: Gemini
Paired planet (Ray 3): Saturn
Symbol: W An equal-armed cross surrounded by, or surmounting, a circle below
Earth triangles:

Earth: general information

There is one aspect of energy for which the modern astrologer makes very little allowance, and yet it is of paramount importance. This is the energy which emanates from or radiates from the Earth itself … [our bodies are] at all times bathed in the emanations and the radiations of our Earth and in the integral quality of our planetary Logos … astrologers have always emphasised the incoming influences and energies as they beat upon and play through our little planet, but they have omitted to take into adequate consideration the emanating qualities and forces which are the contribution of our Earth…to the larger whole (EA 12-13)

The Earth can only be placed in the individual geocentric horoscope from a heliocentric viewpoint—in the sign opposite (or complementary to) the Sun sign. As a heliocentric “visitor” to the geocentric horoscope, the Earth for an individual becomes a pointer towards working with the complementary sign (with associated planets and rays etc.) so the individual can eventually resolve the “pairs of opposites” and reach a balance between the Sun sign and its complementary. This can often be regarded as “the other”—being in reality that part of the inner self that is may be projected outwards onto another person (in seventh house fashion), towards an “othered” group, or even the world in general (perhaps from the perspective victimhood). It can in later stages even symbolise the “shadow” that we gradually learn to own as part of us, and the “dweller on the threshold” that appears as the sum of all personality traits to be integrated and transcended during initiation.

However, the most powerful interpretation of the sign opposite the Sun is as a symbol pf the monad or spirit, and the possibility of working with both signs as one of the blended six (see The Sign Opposite Sun as Monad).

As a Ray Three planet, the qualities of the planet are inescapable, being where we live (move and have our being). Yet human evolution is an essential part of the planet’s own development, humanity being one of the three planetary centres (third principle), with the Hierarchy (second principle) and Shamballa (first principle). For the bigger picture on the three planetary centres, see Leo-Capricorn-Pisces and the entry for Humanity in the Glossary.

More to follow.

Earth: Rulerships

Orthodox: none

Earth has no orthodox rulerships.

Esoteric: Sagittarius

Details to follow of Earth as esoteric ruler of Sagittarius.

Hierarchical: Gemini

Details to follow of Earth as hierarchical ruler of Gemini.

Earth decanates

The Earth as used in esoteric astrology rules no decanates.

Earth Dignities

Although, strictly speaking, the Earth has no allocated dignities, detriment could be extrapolated (in the traditional way) as the opposite of Sagittarius, where Earth is the esoteric ruler; while Exaltation and Fall could follow the paired Ray 3 planet Saturn. This is a suggestion only:

  • Exaltation: Libra (as with Saturn, opposite Sun in Aries)
  • Fall: Aries (as with Saturn)
  • Detriment: hierarchical ruler of Gemini as the “waning brother” to Venus (EA 361), and opposite esoteric rulership Sagittarius,

Exaltation in Libra

To follow

Fall in Aries

To follow

Detriment in Gemini

To follow