Planets: Sun—ray 2 (non-sacred)

Ray 2 triangle

A Ray 2 (non-sacred planet)

Method: The established self as an integrated personality

Rulerships: Orthodox: Leo Esoteric: Leo Hierarchical: Leo
Dignities: Exaltation: Aries Fall: Libra Detriment: Aquarius
Paired planet (Ray 2): Jupiter
Symbol: A A circle with a central point.
Sun triangles:

Sun: general information

In our solar system, Ray 2 at the cosmic level from Sirius is expressed at the systemic level via the Sun, so the seven rays at the planetary level are sub-rays of this systemic solar second ray. It is therefore closely connected at the planetary level to Jupiter, which is the agent of the second ray which the Sun expresses—cosmically and systemically (EA 143).

The rulership of the Sun in Leo also synchronises with Sirius, one of the big three (and the “dog-star” that appears before dawn during August) (see EA 299) although in mythology, Sirius is held to augment the Sun during the hottest period of the year in the northern hemisphere:

[Helios the Sun] augments the scorching dog-stars’s… fires, close-pressing upon the Nemean Lion’s back [i.e. Leo, sign of midsummer]. (Seneca, Oedipus. From the Theoi Project. For a more recent esoteric view see Sirius, The God * Dog Star)

At the cosmic level, the Sun itself (and our solar system in the occult philosophy behind Esoteric Astrology) hasn’t yet reached “sacred” status where its spirit and material body function as one, so is classed with the Moon as “non-sacred”. This represents its usual astrological function (not when veiling another planet).

For a long time during the during [the] cycle of reincarnations and periods of manifestation the human being is almost entirely by the activity of the [five] non-sacred planets:

  • The Sun (veiling a planet)
  • The Moon (veiling a planet)
  • The Earth itself
  • Mars
  • Pluto (EA 53)

(see Sacred and Non-sacred Planets)

The Sun in esoteric astrology

The Sun plays multiple roles, from the cosmic (connection with Sirius), through the systemic (our second ray solar system), to the personal.

  1. The conduit for for Ray 2 as the originating ray of this solar system, and as the source of the seven sub-rays embodied by the planets
  2. One of the “big three” of any horoscope: Ascendant, Sun, Moon
  3. With the Moon, one of the two “veiling planets” in esoteric astrology
  4. The triple Sun ruling Leo on all three levels, and as a veil at esoteric and hierarchical levels

The triple nature of the Sun is central to understanding its Leo rulership, which represents the entire journey of humanity’s expansion in consciousness through the three crosses:

  1. Physical Sun - Form - Personality - Influencing Mutable Cross.
  2. Heart of the Sun - Soul Consciousness - Influencing Fixed Cross.
  3. Central spiritual Sun - Life - Influencing Cardinal Cross. (EA 111)

The hierarchical rulership of Leo at the broadest level concerns the ultimate expansion of consciousness for humanity as a whole, as well as veiling Uranus for those undergoing a predominantly Cardinal Cross experience:

in Leo there is an almost unique condition where humanity is concerned as the Sun governs all expressions—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. It rules the personality, the soul and the fourth Creative Hierarchy [the human]. EA 147

The above quote hints at the statement that “Mercury and the Sun are one”, where Mercury is the mediator between spirit and matter and yet is the result of the union of these two (EA 263). Mercury as Scorpio’s hierarchical ruler governs the human “hierarchy”, where spirit and matter combine in the human individual soul.

See Leo rulerships for more information.

Sun: Rulerships

  • Orthodox: Leo
  • Esoteric: Leo
  • Hierarchical: Leo

Orthodox: Leo

In connection with the Mutable Cross [analogous to the Sun as Leo’s exoteric ruler], the rays of the Sun in a threefold form (combining the lowest energies of the threefold Sun) pour into and through [humanity], via Jupiter… the agent of the second ray which the Sun expresses—cosmically and systemically. (EA 143)

The implication here is that the Sun via Jupiter—as the planet of synthesis—aids the integration of the individual as a functioning and coordinated personality. At the fundamental level this will either be for deliberately selfish, or passively and necessarily self-interested, purposes. In a chart with a strong Cardinal presence, the strong presence of the well-documented “Leo personality” is the result.

At the most basic level, the exoteric Sun-Leo function is well-known, but worth seeing its esoteric context within the archetypal sequence of signs around the zodiac:

Mass consciousness in Cancer gives place to individual consciousness in Leo. Out of the mass or the herd emerges the self-sufficient unit which becomes increasingly aware of its oneness, its aloneness and its isolated attitude as the “one in the centre” of its small cosmos. This attitude continues to develop and to become emphatic and dynamic … leading to the pronounced ego-centric consciousness of the selfish, intelligent [individual] and to the ambitious display of selfish power of [those who desire] place and position. (EA 292)

However, for all but the most self-oriented, the esoteric rulership will have begun to bring in the subtler influence of Neptune.

Esoteric: Leo

Here the Sun veils Neptune

The esoteric rulership is intimately bound up with the “Heart of the Sun” with the love-wisdom quality of the second ray as expressed through the refined Ray 6 qualities of Neptune:

…the real Sun under which our planetary life will eventually function and to which response will be made is the Heart of the Sun. When that is controlling, the spiritual [individual] will then live a dual life simultaneously (which is ever the problem of [those] illumined by the soul as well as by the light of day) [which] will consist of our apparent experience and situations and our inner spiritual soul awareness. The personality will still respond to influences coming to it from the physical Sun but the motivated life activity and the subjective experience of the inner [self] will be conditioned by energies coming… from the “Heart of the Sun.” (EA 110-11)

Many will be familiar with the inherent tension—and the conflicts to be resolved—implied by the above description.

Hierarchical: Leo

Here the Sun veils Uranus

The Sun, veiling Uranus, the planet of occultism, and that which governs group relations, organisations and the eleventh House. It relates the Leo influence to Aquarius. (EA 538)

This rulership connects with Leo’s polar sign Aquarius, in which the consciousness of humanity in general—and that of soul-aware individuals in particular—reaches a peak, where functioning individuals who have successfully extracted themselves from the thoughtless behaviours of “the mass” eventually become part of a “fifth kingdom of souls”—a collective state of pro-active being that eventually transcends the current reactive state of humanity.

Leo and Aquarius, through the Sun and Jupiter, are related to Ray 2. Development of the individual consciousness into world consciousness. Thus a person becomes a world server. (EA 67)

At an individual level, Uranus as hierarchical ruler implies the freedom of the two wherein the influences of a sign and its polar pair—in this case Aquarius—are blended into a functioning whole. For more on this, and on the expansion in consciousness that dawns once the individual soul becomes the focus of the self, see the Personal Points. The connection between Leo an Aquarius is symbolised by their Ray 5 influence, and the role of Venus in the development of humanity.

…eventually the time comes when the nature of the Fixed Cross begins to dawn upon… consciousness … and the influence of Aquarius … begins to balance that of Leo. Then there comes the gradual shift of the focus of attention away from the “one who stands alone” to the environing group, and an equally important shift away from selfish interests to group requirements. (EA 292-3)

Sun decanates

In conventional astrology, decanates simply follow the rulerships of each elemental triad, but Esoteric Astrology has inconsistent information. See notes about the decanates, and the “decans” tab under each sign.

Sun Dignities

Exaltation in Aries

The Sun is exalted in Aries. Here the Sun stands for the life of the spirit which comes to full expression as the result of the great evolutionary process, initiated in Aries. The life of God which in this sign is “swung into activity” eventually achieves consummation. Latency becomes potency and midnight merges into midday. God, the Father, rules. EA 104

Fall in Libra

The Sun “falls” in this sign because again neither the personality nor the soul dominates in the man who is a pure Libran; a balance is achieved and thus they esoterically “tune each other out.” Neither the voice of the personality nor of the soul is heard particularly but, as the Old Commentary puts it, “a gentle oscillation now proceeds…” EA 250

Detriment in Aquarius

the Sun (the physical Sun) is lessened in its power in Aquarius. The third initiation has been undergone [under Capricorn] and the light of the personality has been “put out” or dimmed by the light of the subjective Sun, influencing the soul. EA 147