![Ray 2 triangle](/assets/images/ray2-triangle.png)
A Ray 2 (non-sacred planet)
Method: The established self as an integrated personality
Rulerships: | Orthodox: Leo Esoteric: Leo Hierarchical: Leo |
Dignities: | Exaltation: Aries Fall: Libra Detriment: Aquarius |
Paired planet (Ray 2): | Jupiter |
Symbol: | A A circle with a central point. |
Sun triangles: |
Sun: general information
The Sun has multiple roles in esoteric astrology, as:
- the conduit for for Ray 2 as the great ray of this solar system, which is the origin of the seven sub-rays embodied by the planets
- one of the “big three” of any horoscope: Ascendant, Sun, Moon
- with the Moon, one of the two “veiling planets” in esoteric astrology
in Leo there is an almost unique condition where humanity is concerned as the Sun governs all expressions—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. It rules the personality, the soul and the fourth Creative Hierarchy [the human]. EA 147
In Leo the Sun veils Neptune in a chart that has a Fixed Cross emphasis, or possibly a predominance of even-numbered Rays, or Uranus if the area of development is predominantly Cardinal, or possibly in a chart favouring odd-numbered Rays. However, if on the Mutable Cross of repeated experience, the influence of Vulcan cannot be ruled out, especially if Virgo or Taurus are also strong, or there’s a prominent Ray 1 emphasis.
(more details to follow)
Sun: Rulerships
Orthodox: Leo ⇧
the Sun is the ruler of all the three conditions of Leo—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. It is a correct surmise that the purpose of this solar system is the unfoldment of consciousness, and if for the strictly human being self-consciousness is the goal, then the Sun must obviously rule, for it is the source of physical consciousness (exoteric and symbolic of the personality), of soul awareness (esoteric), and of spiritual life (hierarchical). […] There is much to think out here … as the curious fact of this triple control by a planet constitutes one of the mysteries of initiation. It is tied up with the relation between Leo and Aquarius, for Leo is unusual in having all its ruling influences concentrated through the medium of one planet. Leo indicates the height of achievement of the human soul. EA 143
Esoteric: Leo ⇧
Here the Sun veils Neptune
Hierarchical: Leo ⇧
Here the Sun veils Uranus
Sun decanates
In conventional astrology, decanates simply follow the rulerships of each elemental triad, but Esoteric Astrology has inconsistent information. See notes about the decanates, and the “decans” tab under each sign.
Sun Dignities
Exaltation in Aries ⇧
The Sun is exalted in Aries. Here the Sun stands for the life of the spirit which comes to full expression as the result of the great evolutionary process, initiated in Aries. The life of God which in this sign is “swung into activity” eventually achieves consummation. Latency becomes potency and midnight merges into midday. God, the Father, rules. EA 104
Fall in Libra ⇧
The Sun “falls” in this sign because again neither the personality nor the soul dominates in the man who is a pure Libran; a balance is achieved and thus they esoterically “tune each other out.” Neither the voice of the personality nor of the soul is heard particularly but, as the Old Commentary puts it, “a gentle oscillation now proceeds…” EA 250
Detriment in Aquarius ⇧
the Sun (the physical Sun) is lessened in its power in Aquarius. The third initiation has been undergone [under Capricorn] and the light of the personality has been “put out” or dimmed by the light of the subjective Sun, influencing the soul. EA 147