Triangles: Aries Pluto GreatBear


Primary Ray 1 triangle

Prime Ray 1 triangle, and one of three conditioning triangles underlying the entire solar system. Expressed for humanity through Leo-Saturn-GreatBear

One of three conditioning triangles underlying the entire solar system, each depending upon one point of a greater triangle, the energies of which are only partially expressed in our solar system:

Lying behind the many interlocking triangles in our solar system and conditioning them are three energies coming from three major constellations (GreatBear-Sirius-Pleiades) (EA 415)

Each point of this vast triangle further provides the determining point for three related subsidiary triangles, of which this is one. These further three each carry one of the three major rays of Will, Love-wisdom, and Active intelligence into the human realm.

Each constellation relates to one principle of the triple nature of the solar logos and therefore, by correspondence, to the collective spirit (or monad), soul and body of humanity. They influence the human world through the three major planetary centres (see Shamballa) that express the overall influence of each of the three rays of aspect on this planet:

These three triangles are part of a chain of influence that steps down the energies of the three main rays of aspect from their origins to a human level:

Ray one Ray two Ray three
Great Bear Sirius Pleiades
Aries Leo Cancer
Pluto Jupiter Venus
Shamballa Hierarchy Humanity
Spirit Soul Personality
Mind Emotions Body

Also see the ‘horizontal’ triangles formed by the relationships in this series:

Aries receives the energy of ray one from one of the stars called pointers in the constellation of the Great Bear which “point” to Polaris, the Pole Star.

So the influence of ray one—which can be both destructive and inspiring—reaches the collective human mind via those who comprise the inner group known as ‘Shamballa’, fostering new ideas and causing upheavals in outmoded ones, through the agency of those groups and individuals able to respond by forming these primal and initially abstract ideas into paradigms, ideals and actions suited to the current opportunities of the cycle.

Esoteric Astrology: 415-17