Triangles: Gemini Sagittarius Mercury


Major Ray 3 triangle, expressing the energy of the Pleiades

A secondary triangle serving as one corner of the major cosmic triangle (three interlinked triangles as a “meta constellation”) that steps down for our solar system the energy of big three: the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades.

These three work primarily through six constellations at this time—three pairs of complementary signs and three planets:

the Great Bear, Ray 1
working through: Aries-Libra-Sun
(Life. Inspiration, being)
Mental refinement, leading to the Path of initiation.
Sirius, Ray 2
working through: Cancer-Capricorn-Saturn
(Consciousness. Sensitivity, feeling)
Physical refinement, the process undergone on the Path of Probation.
the Pleiades, Ray 3
working through: Gemini-Sagittarius-Mercury
(Form. Illumination, seeing)
Emotional refinement, culminating in the Path of Discipleship.

These three reach our solar system via:

Again at this time these six and two further zodiacal energies focus through a particular planet (Taurus-Scorpio-Mars), using it as a transmitting agency to the Earth. This final triangle translates the influences of the stepped-down cosmic triangle into the essentially human growth process spurred on by Ray 4.

These six influences [of the signs involved] aid greatly in the development of self-consciousness and later of the spiritual consciousness in those who have begun to tread the path of return and hence are undergoing the final three stages of the evolutionary path, known as the first three “human or personal initiations”, which cover the refinement of the physical, emotional and mental facets of our human personality. These six constellations are the determining energies of that process, with this particular triangle working as follows:

Known as the constellation of the resolution of duality into a fluid synthesis (EA 347) Gemini aids recognition of the nature of the pairs of opposites, and it is in this sign that the desire of the pairs of opposites for each other is revealed. The pairs of opposites are most aptly symbolised by the six pairs of signs in the zodiac, where the quality of each complements the opposite sign.
Enables the aspiring disciple to become one-pointed, or to begin the process of personality integration so that the combined forces of mind, emotion and body can—sometimes, at least—all be focussed as one.
Encourages trust in the process of intuition, backed up by the ability to distinguish genuine clear vision based on an uncluttered inner overview from superstitious impulses driven by unrecognised unconscious impulses.

Generally, this triangle brings to light

the relation of the Mother-aspect (…embodied in the Pleiades) and … the Christ-child, hidden within the form of the personality

which is Alice Bailey’s way of saying (from her Christian-influenced Theosophy) that this is a process of increasing identification with the soul (the “Christ-child”) and its relationship with the matter of the personality, which serves as its vehicle of experience in the three worlds (during which time the soul is passive or receptive and the personality—through accumulative experience—is the main instrument of development) and eventually its vehicle of expression in those same worlds (when the soul becomes active in the conscious choices and opportunities for growth presented by the experience of the personality). The watershed at which the two forces of soul and personality reach equilibrium and the inner self begins to become the predominant mode of consciousness, is represented by this triangle.

In the above sense, the personality and its arena of experience is the mother of the newly aware child soul.

Representing the “mother” aspect of form, this triangle is also linked to the Deva line of evolution; those lives which exist purely to build and destroy forms of any kind, from physical bodies to the thought-forms which convey ideas. The illumination of form can only occur through the formation a vehicle in that matter—mental, emotional or physical—that is able to give the required outer expression to the inner energy that seeks it.

Esoteric Astrology: 465-67