Signs: Cardinal Cross—Libra

Ray 3 triangle

I seek the way which leads between the two great lines of force

Reaching the midpoint: balance leading to an inevitable change of direction

Cardinal complement:Aries
Rays:Ray 3
Othodox ruler:Venus
Esoteric ruler:Uranus
Hierarchical ruler:Saturn
Esoteric decanates:1st: Jupiter, 2nd: Saturn, 3rd: Mercury
Retrogressive motto:Let choice be made
Libra triangles:

Libra: esoteric meaning

Details to follow.

Libra: rulers

Orthodox: Venus

Details to follow for Venus as orthodox ruler.

Esoteric: Uranus

…the seventh ray works through this planet and is the embodiment of the principle of concretion and the materialising of that which is in need of objective manifestation, through the bringing together of spirit and matter. It is here that the whole mystery of money lies hid and the creation and production of money. I would like here to point out to you that it is with the third aspect of divinity and the third aspect alone that the creative process is concerned. It is through the relation of the three aspects of the third divine manifestation—law, affinity and concretised energy—that money is created.

It is here that many mystics and world servers prove futile. They work from far too high a level and from the standpoint of spiritual incentive. They normally and naturally (because that is where their focus of consciousness is placed) work from the standpoint of the second aspect, whereas it is the third aspect (equally divine and equally important) which must be invoked and evoked. Ponder upon these words. It is not the bringing together of spirit and matter as occultism understands those terms but the relating of physical need and physical supply and the bringing together of two tangibles through the power of the creative imagination. It is for this reason that so many schools of thought prove so successful in materialising that which is required and why other schools of thought so signally fail. They work from too high a plane and have not the ability to carry through. I have here given you hints which can be fruitful of result if interpreted correctly and acted upon from right motive, in group formation and with selfless purpose. (EA 246)

Uranus embodies the energy of the seventh ray and its work is analogous to that of Mercury, for the seventh ray is the ray which relates spirit and matter and brings together electric fire and fire by friction, thus producing manifestation. Uranus leads the soul to the burning ground during the final stages of the Path, when the fire of Aries and the fires engendered through the potency of Uranus produce the flaming heat of the final burning ground. Through this burning ground, the initiate has finally to pass. Uranus rules the occult Way and is, in an esoteric sense, connected with the Hierophant of the Mysteries of Initiation. (EA 100)

Shared between Libra-Aries: The methodical instigation of new structures and necessary conceptual change, the establishing of inner templates and mental patterns for coming developments.

The background to Ray 3 and Uranus as polar pair Aries-Libra esoteric and hierarchical rulers:

Alcyone impregnated the substance of the universe with the quality of mind. As a consequence of this most ancient activity, the same force was present at the time of individualisation in this solar system, for it is in this system, and primarily upon our planet, the Earth, that the major results of that early activity have made themselves felt. Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus (sacred), are directly the product of this third ray activity. (EA 200)

Hierarchical: Saturn

Ray 3 creates form in general while Saturn provides the constraints that shape that form into something useful. Those forms include our “bodies” on the three planes of human endeavor—physical/etheric, emotional/astral and mental—that we use as “vehicles of expression” for the inner self, whether as an individual or a planet.

Saturn is the ruler in this sign of that stupendous Creative Hierarchy which is one of the three major groups of Builders, forming part of the third aspect of divinity; Their goal is the giving of form to the Sons of Mind [human expression to the unmanifest “souls” of humanity] and thereby offering opportunity for sacrifice and service. A study of the relation of this Hierarchy to that of the human egos, the fourth Creative Hierarchy, will prove most illuminating and is handled somewhat in my earlier Treatise on Cosmic Fire. The nature and purpose of the three rulers will emerge with clarity if this is done. (EA 243)

The ideal in Libra here is also a state of balance that enables the deep power of global justice—requiring impersonal accuracy of judgement—the “fair witness”:

The first aspect of will or power expresses itself in this sign [Libra, via Saturn] as Law, as legislation, legality, justice (EA 244)

The overall esoteric role of Libra (and the balance at the equinoxes) is to be a stable portal to another phase. At the hierarchical level this covers both the overall principle of karma, and the eventual freedom from it, personally and globally:

[Capricorn is] the constellation by means of which comes the conquering will which releases from form life and initiates the [individual] into the kingdom wherein the will aspect (not the soul aspect)… expresses itself. …there is a close connection between the Earth and Capricorn. The reason for this is that the Earth provides ideal conditions for this particular type of achievement because it is in process of transforming from the stage of a “non-sacred planet” into that of a “sacred planet.” This is why Saturn is so powerful a ruler and transmitter to the Earth of the dynamic quality of the first ray of power. This inpouring of first ray energy will be greatly accelerated from now on. (EA 620)

Also see the hierarchical rulerships of Saturn and Venus in Capricorn.


See the notes about the inconsistency of decanates in Esoteric Astrology. For comparison, Stephen Pugh’s decanate rulers are listed, alongside current orthodox rulers and those given in the book.

Esoteric/developmental: conscious development (annual signs from Aries via Taurus to Pisces)
0-9°: Jupiter F: Libra, expansion and success in stages of conscious growth, the ability to synthesise and enter the next stage
10-19°: Saturn G: Aquarius, learning opportunities to growth, and the potential to “reverse the wheel” opportunities to “tip the scales” in favour of inner development (EA 249)
20-29°: Mercury C: Gemini, illumination (EA 70) and the necessity to resolve conflict in times of change
Exoteric/experiential: humanity in general (precession from Aries via Pisces to Taurus)
29-20°: Mercury C: Gemini, the need for experience by the personality in the 3 worlds (as the agent of change in the change/crisis/synthesis cycle) and the ensuing conflicts when opposites cannot be resolved
19-10°: Saturn G: Aquarius, law, the pairs of opposites (with sex) and money as the “third aspect” or material life (EA 244)
9-0°: Jupiter F: Libra, the potential to enter Virgo to nurture the soul and inner life
  • Orthodox: Venus, Uranus, Mercury (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)
  • EAst e/o: Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury / Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter
  • Pugh e/o: Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury / Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter

Saturn as the central decanate echoes the exaltation of that planet in Libra, and the balance required to “reverse the wheel”, which Libra at the Autumn equinox symbolises, in order to enter the path of conscious development. Sephirial’s replacement of Mercury with the Moon echoes the mundane 4th ray role of the Moon.

The rulers of the decanates in this sign are again dual in their presentation by different schools of astrologers. Sepharial gives us the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter, whilst Alan Leo posits the controlling planets as Venus, Saturn and Mercury. In this case, as in some others, the truth lies between the two or in a combination of both. The true rulers of the decanates in Libra are Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. I need not enlarge upon their effect except to point out that the result of the Jupiterian influence is to “open the door of the womb” in Virgo… (EA 251)

Esoteric Astrology: 251