Second ray triangle connected with planetary heart centre
Second ray triangle (G series) connected with the heart centre of the planet (Hierarchy) controlling solar plexus, and to disciples, linked to: Sirius-Leo-Jupiter
…the heavens within the ring-pass-not [Saturn?] responded to the light from Sirius which, passing through the sea of Pisces, lifted the fishes into the heavenly sphere (Uranus). (EA 432)
One of three primary group G triangles that focus the energies of the ‘big 3’, and related to group N. See the two horizontal triangles formed by the signs and planets of these interlocking series Leo-Capricorn-Pisces, Mercury-Saturn-Uranus and the triangle formed by the signs’ hierarchical rulerships Venus-Jupiter-Pluto for more details.
- Leo-Saturn-GreatBear
- Pisces-Uranus-Sirius
- Capricorn-Mercury-Pleiades
Transmitting rays 1, 2 and 3
Find other type 4/5 triangles and relate to above
in charts, use to locate/refine influence of rays 1-3 (and/or 3 phases)?
GreatBear-Sirius-Pleiades (pervades book)
Edit: How are these expressed via the N and B series and main ray triangles of signs?
And related to p 349:
- Sirius - Gemini
- Pleiades - Libra
- Gt Bear - Aquarius
Esoteric Astrology: 421, 427, 431-2, 435, 438 (594-5), see 435