Triangles: Vulcan Neptune Uranus

The 3 planets veiled by the Moon

the Moon is usually regarded as ‘veiling’ or ‘hiding’ some planet and of these there are three which the Moon may be veiling. Here the intuition of the astrologer and of the esoteric student must be called out. These planets are Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus. These three create and influence certain aspects of the Mother principle [represented by the Moon], which nourish and feed the life of the inner divine reality until the time comes when the Christ child [Bailey’s term for the awakened soul] is brought to the birth. They determine or condition the physical, astral and mental natures, thus creating the personality. They form a triangle of immense creative potency…’ (EA 219)

These three also relate to the Mutable (Vulcan), Fixed (Neptune) and Cardinal (Uranus) crosses. For the individual on each cross, these planets exemplify the experience and purpose of each cross. To simplify their role in personal development through the three signs in which the Moon veils:

Vulcan: first initiation, physical
Virgo: esoteric ruler
The need to refine material experience and the body towards balance and health
Neptune: second initiation, emotional
Cancer: esoteric ruler
the process of refining emotional life, tempering reactions and overcoming fear
Uranus: third intiation, mental.
Aquarius: hierarchical ruler
the integration of the personality as a unified expression for the true inner self

Esoteric Astrology: 13, 219, 263, 273, 321, 446