Signs: Fixed Cross—Scorpio

Ray 4 triangle

Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant

Value through sharing the self: freedom from insecurity and emotional traps

Fixed complement:Taurus
Rays:Ray 4
Othodox ruler:Pluto
Esoteric ruler:Mars
Hierarchical ruler:Mercury
Esoteric decanates:1st: Mars, 2nd: Sun, 3rd: Venus
Retrogressive motto:Let Maya flourish and let deception rule
Scorpio triangles:

Scorpio: esoteric meaning

Scorpio is a key sign for those facing the death of the personality and dawn of soul consciousness during the second initiation, leading to the third.

The Dweller on the Threshold

From ancient recesses of the memory, from a deeply rooted past which is definitely recalled, and from the racial and the individual subconscious (or founded and established thought reservoirs and desires, inherited and inherent) there emerges from individual past lives and experience that which is the sum total of all instinctual tendencies, of all inherited glamours and of all phases of wrong mental attitudes; to these (as they constitute a blended whole) we give the name of the Dweller on the Threshold. This Dweller is the sum total of all the personality characteristics which have remained unconquered and unsubdued and which must be finally overcome before initiation can be taken. (EA 207)

The idea is that as we work through issues that hold us back: fears, obsessions, hatreds, self-pity, etc. we chip away at those personal traits where we are effectively “standing in our own light”, or where our inner clarity os obscured by the turbulent clouds of personality life. Although Each life sees some progress made; some personality defects straightened out and some real advance effected there remains an unconquered residue holding ancient liabilities. This potent backlog can only be faced once our core self or soul contact is stable and consistent enough to face our own selves—the personal self we have become that is now an obstruction to the expansion of our consciousness. At that point:

there eventuates a life wherein the highly developed and powerful personality becomes, in itself, the Dweller on the Threshold. Then the Angel of the Presence [the soul/core self] and the Dweller stand face to face and something must then be done. (EA 207)

This challenge cna only be faced once we identify with the “Angel of the Presence” and recognise our outgrown personality as the “Dweller on the Threshold” that stands in the way of our initiation into an expanded consciousness beyond the purely personal. This “battle between the pairs of opposites” is the essence of the “tests of Scorpio” in which we choose to put ourselves into the positive or conditioning environment wherein the trials and the discipline are unavoidable and inevitable—a process in which the personality eagerly enters into… relation with the Angel [and] recognises itself as the Dweller. (EA 207-8) The phrase “I’m my own worst enemy” is never more apt than when we are experiencing this crucial period during the growth process.

When the mind has reached a relatively high stage of development, the memory aspect is evoked in a new and conscious manner and then every latent pre-disposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation and every controlling fault rises to the surface of consciousness and then—the fight is on. The keynote of Scorpio is, however, Triumph. (EA 208)

This achievement means that the purely personal (or lesser self) loses appeal and focus in the light of the soul or greater and mor inclusive self. Memory plays a key part in this because:

every latent pre-disposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation and every controlling fault rises to the surface of consciousness. (EA 208)

The eventual result of this intense inner struggle is that the higher consciousness that may preciously have been experienced only periodically becomes anchored upon the physical plane with such accuracy and clarity that we—and those with who we interact—cannot ignore the fact that we have become an example to be observed in one way or another by family, friends and social group as we take the first conscious stages toward group awareness plus the responsibilities and work—inner and outer—that come with it. In other words, we no longer have any desire to live for ourselves only, but become engaged in work that contributes to the overall development of humanity, whether that is undertaken within our own extended social circle physically in the real world, or virtually/online. (EA 208)

Scorpio: rulers

Orthodox: Pluto

Pluto becomes active in the life of [those] becoming alive in the higher sense when our personal self passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto [governing] the lesser burning ground so that we begin to live under the greater illumination of the life of the soul or inner self (EA 78).

The main concept behind Pluto’s rulership of Scorpio is one of “esoteric death”, i.e. the ending of all that hinders the expansion of our awareness:

In Scorpio there is the death of the personality, with its longings, desires, ambitions and pride.

…the death of forms must eventuate leaving the disciple free; the dissolution of old group structures of thought, embodying worn-out ideas and ideals must necessarily supervene; crystallised old forms must dissolve and disappear, but in their place the undying spirit—impressed by revelation and sensitive to the emerging new concepts of truth—will create the needed new forms of appropriate expression. (EA 214, 260)

Scorpio via Pluto is thus regarded as the “sign of discipleship” or of all those who are “ready for the fusion brought about through the influence of the sacred planets”. The idea is that the death of hindering personality traits “is definitely brought about by the soul…”—the inner self thus liberates us by revealing personal limitations so that we can move beyond them and leave their remains to sink into the depths. The feeling at these times is one that echoes the traditional role of Pluto as one of regeneration and rebirth after trial and experiencing the depths. The “dissolution and detachment” (EA 538) mentioned in connection with the Eighth House are part of this experience.

Esoteric: Mars

The “spiritual warrior” whose own self is the battleground. Developing focussed will through personal continuity, endurance despite obstacles and adherence to the chosen aims. Here, Mars acts as a first ray “training ground of the will” (see Taurus-Scorpio-Mars).

In Scorpio, the result of all the struggles carried forward during the seemingly endless pilgrimage around the zodiac or wheel of life is brought to a point of climax, again through the activity of Mars which has not appeared actively in the intervening signs between Aries and Scorpio as far as the reversed wheel is concerned. The disciple has now to demonstrate the strength, character and quality which he has unfolded and developed within himself during his long pilgrimage. […] In Scorpio… the war is on and… Mars rules not only the physical body but the entire form vehicle, which we call the personality in the three worlds. All aspects of the lower nature are involved in this crisis… and the tests applied involve the form nature—gross and subtle, integrated and potent. (EA 210)

Hierarchical: Mercury

The global resolution of conflict and the harmonising of seemingly impossible oppositions, is the territory where Mercury will lead. This might seem a real challenge in the present time, but the work of mediators is the first glimmer of how this planet focusses the strength of Ray 4 as harmony through conflict. The collective shift in humanity is far-off, but—according to the occult philosophy—inevitable and intimately bound up with the expansion of the collective human consciousness.

Mercury, as it relates Gemini to Scorpio and to our planet, has a mass or general effect, for it is the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio and its effect is of a planetary nature far more than is usually the case, and is, therefore, far more difficult to trace at our present point of planetary development and human consciousness. Its true significance will not be understood until the consciousness of [the individual] is also planetary in its scope and grasp, which is never the case until after the third initiation. (EA 359)


See the notes about the inconsistency of decanates in Esoteric Astrology. For comparison, Stephen Pugh’s decanate rulers are listed, alongside current orthodox rulers and those given in the book.

Esoteric/developmental: conscious development (annual signs from Aries via Taurus to Pisces)
0-9°: Mars E: Scorpio, the resourcefulness and determination to persist in the will to reorient the self
10-19°: Sun A: Pisces, courage to achieve self-mastery over the appetites (form), passions (quality) and vices (life) in preparation for initiation
20-29°: Venus D: Cancer, sensitivity of the evolution of plans for the greater good, and readiness to contribute
Exoteric/experiential: humanity in general (precession from Aries via Pisces to Taurus)
29-20°: Moon B: Cancer, the acquisition and building of relationships for personal resources and comfort
19-10°: Jupiter F: Pisces, the use of emotional skills and manipulation for personal advancement and gain
9-0°: Mars E: Scorpio, the selfish use of resources for physical and sexual fulfilment
  • Orthodox: Mars/Pluto, Jupiter/Neptune, Moon (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer)
  • EAst e/o: Mars, Sun, Venus / Moon, Jupiter, Mars (reversed from: Mars, Jupiter, Moon)
  • Pugh e/o: Mars, Venus, Pluto / Pluto, Venus, Mars (swapped/reordered?)

Esoteric Astrology is slightly evasive on Scorpio’s decanates, stating that “a new planet is arising in this sign—presumably Pluto as exoteric co-ruler with Mars as the ruler of the first decanate—while the Pisces/Neptune decanate brings in the exaltation of Venus in that sign. The central decanate as ruled by the Sun symbolises “the stupendous victory achieved by Hercules, the Sun-God, in this sign” in slaying the nine-headed hydra (EA 203-4), the forces of each head standing for the nine human failings outlined in the Labours of Hercules (p. 144)

Each head of the hydra represents one of the problems that beset the courageous person who seeks to achieve [self-mastery]… Three of these heads symbolize the appetites associated with sex, comfort and money. The second triune group concerns the passions of fear, hatred and desire for power [the need to control]. The last three heads represent the vices of the unillumined mind: pride, separativeness and cruelty. […Hercules] had to learn the art of transmuting the energies that so frequently precipitate human beings into catastrophic tragedies. The nine forces which have wrought unspeakable havoc among the sons of men since the beginning of time had to be redirected and transmuted. (Labours of Hercules, p. 144. See the Moyra Federation on Scorpio for details)

If we note the remark that “each decanate… concerns the three aspects … life, quality and appearance” (EA 226) these rulerships can perhaps be interpreted accordingly, or perhaps matched to the qualities represented by the heads of the hydra: the appetites of the third aspect (appearance or form), the passions of the second aspect (quality), and the vices of the first (life). These form the groups:

sex fear pride
comfort hatred separativeness
money control cruelty

See the triangle Taurus-Scorpio-Pisces in which Scorpio itself is a decanate (with Taurus and Pisces) in a “still greater zodiac” (EA 204, 486).

The three decanates and their rulers are given very differently by various astrologers. One group posits Mars, the Sun and Venus as ruling the decanates of Scorpio whilst another regards Mars, Jupiter and the Moon as the three rulers. Perhaps the truth lies in both conclusions, if we view them from the esoteric standpoint or from that of the undeveloped man. […] Some day [astrologers] will arrive at a clear decision as to the position of the five planets suggested as ruling the decanates… I cannot indicate to you the essential truth because a new planet is arising in this sign and it is [to be discovered and rightly placed] within the circumference of the Great Wheel. (EA 226)

The tests of Scorpio are necessarily three in nature as they concern intimately the readiness of the threefold personality:

  1. To reorient itself to the life of the soul and later
  2. To evidence readiness for initiation.
  3. To demonstrate sensitivity to the Plan thus becoming the one-pointed disciple in Sagittarius.

The three major tests are again divided into three stages, and upon the Path of Discipleship [we may pass] into this sign for testing and experience nine times. … Each test (and therefore each decanate) concerns the three aspects which in this Treatise on the Seven Rays we have called: life, quality and appearance. Thus the three great tests in Scorpio are in reality nine tests and hence the nine-headed Hydra or Serpent which is ever associated with Scorpio and hence also the nature of the stupendous victory achieved by Hercules, the Sun-God, in this sign. (EA 203-4)

Esoteric Astrology: 203-4, 226