Planets express the seven rays
Each planet is associated with one of the seven rays, with the meanings of some (e.g. Venus, Saturn) being subtly shifted in esoteric astrology. Two of the seven rays—the 5th and 7th—are expressed by a single planet, while the second planet for two others—the 2nd and the 4th—is represented by the Sun and Moon ‘veiling’ one of three possible planets according to context, each representing their own rays—Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus.
- “Sacred” and “non-sacred” planets ⇧
- Earth and Vulcan as planets ⇧
- Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury ⇧
- Exaltation, Fall and detriment ⇧
- Aspects between planets ⇧
“Sacred” and “non-sacred” planets ⇧
Esoteric astrology sees planets very much as living beings with their own development process. The sacred planets are held to affect our own inner evolution and integration, while the primary effect of the non-sacred planets concerns the adjustment of our personality to this inner evolution. This unfortunately-worded distinction (we could call them developed and developing planets) is between those seen occultly as “integrated”, having aligned their planetary inner processes (or “soul”) with their material existence; and those yet to build that connection. For example, Earth is in the long process of becoming a “sacred planet”, but this can only occur one human activities are aligned with the interests of the planet. We can only guess at the process of integration on other planetary systems.
Although the Sun and Moon veil other planets, the non-sacred planets generally condition humanity during the long cycle of reincarnations and periods of manifestation
(EA 53), until our development becomes a matter of adjustment between self-oriented personal development, and our role in the collective expansion of human consciousness. They are present during the whole journey from the cycles of experience on the Mutable cross through the Fixed cross to the final third (but first cosmic) initiation on the Cardinal cross. At that point:
the influence of the sacred planets becomes increasingly effective, until after the final and fifth initiation the non-sacred planets have no effect, though the initiate wields their energies potently… (EA 53)
Of course, many of us are already responsive to these sacred planets (including the ones classed as “transpersonal”) although the initiate consciousness mentioned above may still be a little way off! So basically, the esoteric astrologer has to account for the influence of both, while noting the distinction between the two groups. Sacred planets aid the parallel processes of personal and collective human development, while non-sacred planets in general concern our life and long development in the “three worlds of human endeavour” i.e. mental, emotional and material. In esoteric astrology, this is the difference:
…between the effects of the [sacred and the non-sacred] planets… the sacred planets endeavour to fuse the personality and make it the instrument of the soul and the non-sacred planets influence more specifically the form nature; much light on the pull between the pairs of opposites may then pour in. (EA 510)
During interpretation for the above mentioned “pull of the opposites” the method would be to examine the contrast between the pairs of planets under one ray (in this case ignoring the Sun and Moon) specifically: Vulcan-Pluto (Ray 1), Saturn-Earth (Ray 3), Neptune-Mars (Ray 6); by both placement and rulership. The will, material circumstances (karma), and emotional life are suggested by these three rays, which each have a pair of sacred and non-sacred planets.
Ray | Ray triangle | Prime planet | Second planet |
1st ray—Primal energy | Aries-Leo-Capricorn | Vulcan | Pluto |
2nd ray—Love, wisdom | Gemini-Virgo-Pisces | Jupiter | (The Sun) |
3rd ray—Active intelligence | Cancer-Libra-Capricorn | Saturn | Earth |
4th ray—Mediation | Taurus-Scorpio-Sagittarius | Mercury | (The Moon) |
5th ray—Science, proportion | Leo-Sagittarius-Aquarius | Venus | - |
6th ray—Idealism | Virgo-Sagittarius-Pisces | Neptune | Mars |
7th ray—Structure, pattern | Aries-Cancer-Capricorn | Uranus | - |
Earth and Vulcan as planets ⇧
Introducing these two planets—one on which we live, the other legendary—is one of the more challenging innovations of esoteric astrology.
- Earth as an astrological planet
- In this case, the normal geocentric chart borrows the Earth’s position from heliocentric astrology (i.e. as if we were living on the Sun), which places Earth always in opposition to the Sun (there is also the deeper meaning of Earth opposite the Sun symbolising the monad). However, it is not so much the position of Earth that is important but the symbology behind Earth’s esoteric and hierarchical rulerships: Sagittarius and Gemini, both Mutable signs concerned with lived material experience.
- Vulcan in esoteric astrology
- it is extremely unlikely that a significant undiscovered physical planet exists between Mercury and the Sun, although smaller “Vulcanoid” bodies may exist, composed of material from the very early solar system. Some esoteric astrologers argue that Vulcan exists only on etheric levels, but—once again—the importance of Vulcan is symbolic, and emerges once its association with certain areas of esoteric astrology become clear. The only ephemeris for is based on unconfirmed, brief sightings of a disc passing across the Sun.
Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury ⇧
Not a triangle, these three planets are the key focal points in an esoteric horoscope for the three primary principles represented overall by the Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable crosses, as they manifest in an individual life as synthesis-intensification-change (crisis is often felt as a time of intensification).
The placement of these three helps pinpoint the areas and connections in a chart that represent each of these principles; for example, two differing charts might be:
- predominantly synthesis focussed where Jupiter is strong, Cardinal signs predominate, and odd-numbered aspects are numerous;
- or have both a strong Mercury and Saturn and a Mutable/Fixed emphasis with many oppositions and squares as well as trines and sextiles with other related aspects of crisis/opportunity and intelligent activity.
Note that closed aspect patterns of three or more points (e.g. T-square, Grand Trine or Finger of Fate) are stronger indicators than numerous unconnected aspects. Overall, careful esoteric analysis soon reveals whether a specific horoscope reveals emphasis in a particular direction or cross, is spread over two or three, or has no clear emphasis. The latter case would suggest a similarly generalised or even unfocussed life. See subtler aspects need patterns
Exaltation, Fall and detriment ⇧
the exaltation of a planet in any particular sign, its fall within the sphere of influence of a sign as well as the lessening of a particular planetary influence in any sign cycle (making it what has been technically called “in detriment”) is purely symbolic of the effects of energy as it impinges upon the form-nature, meeting resistance or non-resistance, evoking response or non-response, according to the calibre of the planetary instrument subjected to the impact. (EA 399)
Aspects between planets ⇧
Aspects are not mentioned directly in Alice Bailey’s book, although it is possible to extrapolate a system based on the three main geometrical groups and esoteric number symbolism, a process that greatly simplifies the many possible aspects into simpler esoteric groupings related to the rays and crosses. This is explained in detail in the aspects section, along with guidance on how to integrate aspects with esoteric astrology.